Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A great work of art is never simply (or even mainly) a vehicle of ideas or of moral sentiments. It is, first of all, an object modifying our consciousness and sensibility, changing the composition, however slightly, of the humus that nourishes all specific ideas and senti- ments. Outraged humanists, please note. There is no need for alarm. A work of art does not cease being a moment in the conscience of mankind, when moral conscience is understood as only one of the functions of consciousness.

Susan Sontag: "One culture and the new sensbility" (1965) fra samlingen Against interpretation -- der viser Sontag højt, højt oppe på den æstetiske hest. Siden skulle den etiske hest ikke blive så meget som én millimeter lavere.

(Shit, og hestene ser også vældig ens ud)

(Er det rent faktisk samme hest? Paging Mr. Kierkegaard)